
Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Super Show3 Are Daebak!!!

Super Show3 Live In Malaysia are so DAEBAK! 
I'm so happy got to go and watch their perform closely >_<
Now I already miss them so much. How I wish I can watch that again^^
The Sapphire Blue are AWESOME wei! Malaysian ELF, and others country ELF that come to see our boys. I want to say to you guys... GREAT JOB! That night are the Beautiful Sapphire Blue Ever!

Donghae, Eunhyuk and Siwon always go at row of mine. Their all so handsome. But...I want Kyu! How come Kyu so rare go to my row! T_T

Heechul English are good! That night he talk in English. I'm so proud of him! ^o^ At the last part when all ELF call him to come out and also Teuki call him. He talk in English. "Don't worried I'm not sick. I'm so happy to be here. Will have SS4!" That's what I remember.. So...Yes! Will have the SS4! I will start to save money again so I can go again for SS4 n_n

Leeteuk sometimes go to my row. Damn! So lucky the ELF that sit at the really first row. Their got to selfcam with teuk, handshake with teuk. And this 1 ELF are so lucky! She handshake with Teuk and Teuk don't want to let go his hand and bit long time Teuk hold her hand. So lucky...
At my row when SS3. We already prepare project for Sungmin. It's the banner. we must show him the support through the banner special for him. When Suju KRY perform, Sungmin also Donghae join. Sungmin standing at my row. He singing with emo and really serious. He didn't even look straight at us and just look down. We want him to see the banner, so we call him loudly. LEE SUNGMIN! He still didn't react to our calling. He just keep looking down.KRY from far that heard our calling for Sungmin look at us and their see our Sungmin project banner but Sungmin still didn't see it. Then we keep calling Sungmin loudly. Haha......sorry for KRY and Donghae coz we only calling Sungmin name at that time >_< When we call him loudly, Sungmin are like bit in the mess (I don't know the better word to put in this situation) coz he didn't heard the background music. It is because our voice calling for him are loud. So when I notice that, I hurriedly stop calling him. Poor him. He can't concentrated and didn't really heard the background music. After he become ok, he suddenly looks straight and we all continue calling him. And.... YES! HE SEE THE BANNER!!!! He soo happy see it. Now Sungmin, don't ever said that you are not popular in the group!

Ok wanna post some SS3 pics that I take. It's bit blur...

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