Because I like ulzzang and sometimes I also follow the ulzzang make up and style. So here wanna talk bout ulzzang. Some people dunno what it is~ 
What are Ulzzangs actually? 
Let see~
짱 (jjang): Korean slang that means "best." Ulzzang means "best face" in Korean and the word is used both online and in real life. Basically, an ulzzang is someone who has a very attractive face, but most people use the term to describe people who have become popular for their looks. Ulzzang are based on Asian look especially South Korean. But now lot of people following this
ulzzang trends~
In South Korean many ulzzang wannabes post up their pictures on various websites, and voting and chatting can be done on many of them.
Contests, both online and in real life, are often used to pick the best ulzzangs, but you do not necessarily need to enter or win. Most ulzzangs, however, use the internet to share their photos, and that is how many become popular. Internet really play big role for ulzzang. You guys also can be an ulzzang by take your guys own photo (must be the best photo) and post it online at your blog or others network site. 
Well for a moslem that wear 'tudung', don't give up to be an ulzzang because you guys wear 'tudung'. You guys also can be but you have to know the limits to follow the ulzzang fashion~
Example like this. (me) not that totally ulzzang and I know I'm not pretty at all. Just wanna give example. I use natural ulzzang make up so it's not really too much. I wear circle lens too 
Some ulzzang even use Photoshop to edit themselves. You guys can using photoshop to edit ur pic. But don't edit it too much! Faker usually don't make it far. People can know that ur pic are mostly being photoshop or not. The most famous ulzzangs may earn celebrity status. Some ulzzangs may even become real celebrities by going into acting, singing, or modeling careers. Example of ulzzang that really got their popularity are:
Go Hye Sun
Kim Seulmi
Ryu Hye Ju
Oh yeah! Ulzzang not only based on girl. Guy also being an ulzzang. Here the example for guy ulzzang:
Park Taejun
Lee Chi Hoon
Park Jiho
The popular TV Show bout Ulzzang are Ulzzang Shidae (Ulzzang Generation). For you guys that really like Ulzzang, you gus should watch it! 
ulzzang are asians that want to look cute, pretty & dolly. They make pictures with cute poses and wear asian fashion. You've to watch out you're not going overboard with the cuteness. Or else it will call for punch! keke But most of them look really sweet. I don't like the fact that a "plastic surgery" trend is going to start. That's too much... The circle lenses are maybe ok. If want to wear circle you guys must be careful or it will hurt you guys eyes or will cause blind! 
Example of circle lens:
Most of them use the black one.
It's to make your eyes look a lot BIGGER!
When you buy cicle lenses you'll have to watch out for fake ones.
They'll ruin your eyes.
It's to make your eyes look a lot BIGGER!
When you buy cicle lenses you'll have to watch out for fake ones.
They'll ruin your eyes.
Ulzzang with circle lens
Ok end of my rant about ullzang. Thank you for who that reading it~ 
Wow nice posts! I envy ulzzangs, they always look nice in photos *w*