First I watch this mv I start to cried because the meaning of this mv and the way how Kyuhyun and Victoria act. It's really heartbreaking song. So sad... Victoria already die and Kyuhyun lost his memories...He didn't even remember Victoria and he keep trying to remember. Victoria just keep waiting for Kyuhyun.... Omo! So sad.... T^T I really like this song and Jay voice like always so GOOD!
Sunday, November 20, 2011
Tuesday, September 6, 2011
[Fanfics] Holding On To Letting You Go…
TITLE : Holding On To Letting You Go...
CHARACTER : OC, Sungmin (super junior), Siwon (super junior)
GENRE : love, angst, death
(this is base on truth stories)
The wind blowing gently like it’s whisper something…The sunlight keep shine tell that it’s another day to move on again… I love the feelings when the wind blows toward me. Every time the breeze gently kisses my cheek I could feel you beside me, like you whispering at me that you love me.
It’s already been a few month Sungmin… Lee Sungmin.. A few month since you are gone. A few month since you walked away from me, like leaves decided to leave the tree forever. You left me to walk my days alone in this world. It was raining heavily that day. I was resting because I’m sick until my chatbox make some noise, waking me up. I looked up the screen, displaying Siwon picture. Ahh… it’s oppa…I though maybe like always we gonna chat with some random stuff again. But…
“My…my hyung…my hyung passed away..he.. he suicide...”, that still remain in my memories.. Speechless, shocked and trembling.. I can’t even do anything bout it just a tears that keep rolling down.. I’m too far from them.. The regret and guilty feelings start to appear.. Why..why I can’t be beside him when he need someone! Before the day he commit a suicide we still talking and why..why I didn’t notice the way he talk that a bit different?! Just why! I never forgive myself…never! At that time I hope it’s only a joke. But, no. It was not a joke…
That day…that night you go, Siwon oppa that most hurt..I know it from the way he talk… He really close to you…You guys are like a siblings… I am hurting but Siwon oppa hurting more than I am.. I keep screaming in my heart that night..Just why?! Why you leave us like this! You didn’t even wait for me..But it’s too late..he already left.. I keep believed in miracle. I believed miracle would happen to you. But sometimes, miracle does not happen to everyone. Sometimes miracle is too busy to be there. Miracle fails to shine on you… Yeah and now I didn’t believe in miracle anymore…
At there…at the hospital without me there because I’m too far to be there… A moment later, a doctor came out. “I’m sorry. We had done everything we could but God loves him more. I’m sorry”, he said. Siwon oppa started to cried.. No last word. No last smile. You were gone. Just like that, without saying anything…
“ This is must be joking. He can’t be dead. He promised me that He’ll always be here beside me..” Siwon oppa mumbling while kneeled down, with tears rolling down his face, surprised by the fact that you, his hyung had gone, forever… At the place I stay… It was still raining outside, as if the skies too mourned for your loss…
I sat on the bed. Keep crying nonstop and said this is must be a nightmare.. Please! Please! I want to wake up! I can’t take it anymore with this nightmare! It was sad to lose you. If only I knew, I would be telling you how much I loved you. If only I knew, I would told you what I really wanna do with you. if only I knew, I would throw away my stubbornness. But, nothing. I could do nothing now. When you were gone, I was gone too. Yes I’m alive here but my heart are died..It follow you go up there…
After a moment I look at my computer screen. Ah another notification..I wiped my tears and looked up. it written "The Last Letter From My Hyung" I gasp when I look at the tittle...I read all of it slowly and tried to not cried but when I read at... "This is for my Heeyeon Jjagi :) Jagiya~ how are you? I hope you will always fine, ne? :3 Jagiya~ mianhae, you must really hates me after this, ne? That's ok.. I understand~ ^^ ♥” My tears start to rolling down again…I keep crying…It’s pain…totally pain for me.. Why just why must you do this…I know you have a reason but why must use this way…. No one know.. My heart really broken into pieces and it can’t be attached together again… I read again with teary eyes and stop my sight at “PS : Jagiya! Don't eat ramen too often, ne! Not good for your healthy!” I laugh while still crying. Ah haha how come he still thinking bout that stuff and write it? Yeah I like to eating ramyeon but you always nagging me to stop eating it often.. After this who gonna nagging at me? Who gonna always said stop doing that and that? I will miss it all… I willing to listening you always keep nagging at me rather than after this you not beside me anymore…
After what happen that painful day for everyone, everything went back to its usual place, but it was not complete without you. Me… I no longer myself. I no longer the Heeyeon that I used to be. I was a different person. A real different person.
Everytime I miss you so much I will close my eyes and will think bout the memories we had together.. You such an innocent guy.. You slowly understand girls heart which is me. Deep in my heart, my love is just for you. You such a lovely person and cute the way you act. You kept blushed whenever I teasing you. You such a helpful person. You always here for me, rooting for me when I’m down...When I Deact my account, you also deact your account because your world wouldn’t be completed without me from what you said. You always mad at me because I keep eating ramyeon because you said it’s not good. When we go watching for the star, you point at the brightest star and say “The brightest star is you because you’re always make me smile”. We hugging each other when we was cold. I remember the day rain falling heavenly..I said to you I am so cold while shivers. You hug me without I even saying I need a hug..I feel so warm in your embrace..Then you put your jacket too at me because you worried I’m still cold. Gomawo jjagi..I never forget it.. We washing the dishes together while playing water. You even proposed me at the Han River. At my dream place. Ah yes bout our pinky promises...don't worried I promises you jjagi! Ahh…How I wish those time together with you can be replay again… you're in memories and always be in my heart Lee Sungmin.
The love that belongs to us.
If it’s fated to come, just let it comes.
I will love you all my life and when I die I will still love you through eternity and beyond.
If we meet again one day there, let’s not leave each other again.
I love the feeling when the wind blows.
Every time the breeze gently kisses my cheek I could feel you beside me, whispering that you love me.
I would be coming here, to the place that always have a wind that blows without know the meaning of tired to just to hear you whispered you loved me. You always hold the special place in my heart and in my life.I would love you till the day I ran out of stars and raindrops to be counted. I would miss you till the day the wind stops blowing. The day when the ocean turns into stones, is the day when I have erased you from my life. Just wait for me Lee Sungmin...
My love my kiss my heart
One love one kiss to my heart
Last love last Kiss last dream
Sunday, September 4, 2011
This day (not really this day though) I like taking a selfcam.
Ahaha I think it's my hobby >.<
Wherever I go I will selfcam. Also sometimes when I wanna sleep I also selfcam.
lol I think I'm going crazy with selfcam~
I know I'm not that pretty but oh well I like doing it..
Saturday, September 3, 2011
Heechul Going Military
Ahh...looks like it's already time for Heechul enlist the military...
Looks like he already in military...
His new hair for military are so short. It's for military right so of course short.
Although like that it's still look good on him. But I prefer his long hair!
Ahh....Even Leeteuk and other members are crying when at the last show
that Heechul will be perform.
The last promotion stage for Mr.Simple..
All ELF's and Petal's crying hard when know bout this thinggy.
Of course their all crying it's because our Cinderella@Lady Heehee will going to army for 2 years!
Urmm...for me..I didn't even cried..maybe because I have so many probs this day and I already run out of tears already... Still I will wait for him! Heechul oppa, I will wait for you!
It's just 2 years. Not gonna be a long time if we keep move on while waiting for him!
Let's us support the remaining suju members while wait for him nae n_n
It's been long time already!!
It's really being long time for me at here...
Ahhh my blog already become a ghost town nae... 0_0
Last month lot things happen at me and just make me wanna give up..
But well...I tried to being strong and move on!
So after this maybe I tried to being active at here. (I tried~)
Monday, May 30, 2011
Suju M at Malaysian National Youth Association Day!
Yeah I'm gonna spazz here. It's really the worse worse day for me!!
When I Just Got There
Know what, when I just got there (Putrajaya) my sandal are damaged...
Not only that when me in the crowd (the sea of people. Well I'm standing in the middle coz I really want a nice place to see suju m closely.) Because I'm in the middle, people from behind and front me push each other so I'm in the middle are being a victim...
My camera fall from my wrist. I want to pick up my camera back but well...their just step me and even sit top of me!! (yaa seriously that hurt! Now my body got bruise and I'm in the pain...)
Not only that, my camera also broken... T^T (I'm so dead if my parent know bout what happen at the camera...) It's really ruined my mood that day! I feel that no use to see them coz can't take their pict...
Then at that place. ELF from back begging ELF at the front to sit down so everyone can get a proper place and can breath and not like in the sardine can. (if you guys know what I meant..)
But ELF at the front didn't even heard it and keep standing.
With that situation, I see one ELF faint.. (poor her...) It's still long way to go before got to see suju M.
Before Prime Minister Appear
Well, at there I got to meet my friend and also my ddhal! (love your guys!)
Oh yeah, before prime minister appear some of group that being invite dance to kpop song. The first group are male. Their perform lucifer and Soom from Beast. I like of that group member! He so cute and handsome! When he dance he just keep smiling and make a cute face! OMG! I feel that I'm gonna faint! >_<
(I'm not really remember all ok) Then the girls group appear. The first group perform T-ara I go crazy coz of u. Their dance, so howt! And really like a T-ara~
The second group perform Teen Top Clap! Oh yeah! How I like it~ Their look full of charisma!
Third group perform two 2ne1 song. So awesome!!
Then when it reach up to the climax, suddenly it's raining. I still didn't bother to go find a place to take shelter coz I want to see an ELF dance a ELF song. All of them act cute coz that song cute right. When the part 'if you know you an elf just clap your hand' I clap and didn't even bother people around me XD
The Prime Minister Appear
I already sit with my ddhal at that time. We sit in the middle. When prime minister talk I just listen and not..listen and not..Because I got bored I suddenly see this one building (beside the stage that prime minister give a speech. Also the same stage that suju m will perform) At the higher level of building, I see some people take a peek from inside. Then my heart suddenly said, "Oh! Isn't that suju m?" (well coz at that time suju m already arrive but their still rest)
I telling my ddhal Hanhae. She also look at that builing. (we look at it secretly coz I don't wanna make a commotion and don't want their *I refer to people in that building that I really got a feel their are suju m* notice that me and Hanhae keep watching them)
Me and Hanhae really sure coz people must be can't go into builing when minister are talking.. But the people that I see in that building. Keep peeking. Well their body are kinda like suju m and their fashion...Well...I don't mind if you guys didn't believe me but that what I saw.
Other people didn't even notice bout that. Only me, Hanhae and a ELF that sit beside us see it. I keep watching them. I even see some of them playing around. This one person with white t-shirt slap this one guy butt. I think it's Eunhyuk and another one I still didn't figure it out..
When Suju M Gonna Perform
Here...that time...really critical...ELFs getting crazy and push each others coz want to get a nice place. I stand really at the middle and close at the stage. I really hate that time!! People keep pushing each other! Didn't even get enough oxygen... =__=
Poor my ddhal Kira being push and can't get enough oxygen! I tried my best to protect her. Seriously that time I protect her till the end. But because she can't take it anymore, she just step back...Well bit sad coz can't watch Suju M performance with her. But I know at the back she also watch Suju M performance n_n
Then Suju M appear. All ELFs going crazy include me. lolz
Their perform perfection then after that their interaction with the fans. Behind them, their have a translator to help them. The MC that night are woman.
All of suju m members are so dork and funny!
Well when I got to see them closely, so closely than SS!
My reaction are.... O__O Their all seriously seriously TALL!!! Even me (that also tall) shock coz their so tall. My Kyuhyun so tall! Aaaaa!!!! >_< (well at least their tall than me. YES!)
Don't ever talk bout handsomeness. Coz all of them damn handsome! Well of course cute! (minnie, henry and wookie so cute~) Eunhyuk sexy~
At the talk part (what I remember..... @_@)
MC ask henry what he think bout Malaysia.
Henry: When I go to Taiwan I really feel like I don't wanna leave. Then now when I come to Malaysia, I feel that I don't wanna leave!
All of them randomly said. (well I don't really remember lot of it. I will write what I remember) Oh yeah! When the time Kyu talk. He just sweat and talk slowly. I can see he in the middle to find a word to said in chinese lolz Kyu why you so cute~ -faint-
When see Kyu like that Zhoumi wipe Kyu sweat. All ELFs are going crazy when see that nice scene. I can see that minnie are bit jealous. Kekeke~ (From left Ryeowook, Henry, Sungmin, Eunhyuk, Kyuhyun and Zhoumi)
Fourth are Zhoumi turn. ( i can't write here coz I don't understand what are they saying coz they talk in chinese without being translate into English =__=) At last that fan wanna hug him. Zhoumi playing and said no hug. Then suddenly Zhoumi kneeling and kiss that fan hand!
Firth are Eunhyuk turn. Yes this anchovy turn.
ELF: Did you still steal other members underwear? (lolz what a pervert question)
Eunhyuk: (At first he didn't understand so he said yes yes then after he understand..) No! No! I didn't steal it. It's my own! (then the mc ask all the members did eunhyuk really did that.) All the members just smile then shaking their head. Only minnie didn't really show reaction so the mc ask him did he?) If you said I am like that, I'm gonna proof it by take off my pant and show my underwear at all people! (then sungmin suddenly said no! no! LOL I know all ELF gladly like if Eunhyuk really gonna take off his pant. But guys he didn't~ I don't even mind it. Coz at that time I'm not in pervert time~ XP Eunhyuk doing that he gonna kiss that fan hand but he just pretend and he kiss his own hand. Hahaha! But well... still that fan are lucky coz hyuk hug him from back!!)
Now the last are Kyu turn~!
ELF: You pick game or fans?
Kyuhyun: (mc teach kyu talk something in malay) Tak tayah tanya. Of course fans. (lolz Kyu why you so adorable! -faint- Actually he wanna said Tak payah tanya but maybe it's hard for him. That's why... Kekeke~ The meaning are Don't need to ask that. Well that word are suit that evil magnae style. Weeeee~~)
Then that girl got hug from Kyu!! Not only once but two!! Because that girl cried happily so the mc ask kyu to give her another round of hug!! Yes I'm so jealous coz Kyu are my ultimate bias!! =3= At that time I didn't have a energy to get mad and screaming out of jealousy like others. My sandal, my camera, being stepped and etc really ruined my mood and my energy..
All of them learn malay word. Saya sayang kamu and saya cinta kamu. XDD
Then solo time!!
Henry perform off my mind. Woah! Henry look so hot when he dance and singing! Especially part crazy crazy crazy >.<
Ryeowook also perform solo. (don't remember the song tittle) He, sweet as ever~ His soft voice really beautiful~~
Kyuhyun also perform solo. I like it~~ I'm just looking at him when he start to sing. His voice that are powerful and also sweet at the same time just wow... Like always when he singing he didn't even walking around like others.. He just stand at that place until he finish singing..
Then Eunhyuk perform solo. Eunhyuk performance are marvelous! Full of charisma and power! He dance Michael Jackson song. All ELFs screaming like their already lost their mind. I'm going insane when see Eunhyuk dance. He really are a dancing machine!! O.O
Lastly for solo performance are Zhoumi. He sing with his nicely voice. How cool!
Then all of them appear together and sing Blue Tomorrow. What a sad song...
After Blue Tomorrow. Destiny~ When their sing destiny at that time I really feel that I'm gonna faint coz all my body in the pain and didn't get enough oxygen so I just listen at that song silently without even swing my lightstick like always. People around me swing their lightstick but not me. I just puff my cheeks at there. At that moment the really happy moment for me come! Maybe because only me that didn't do anything even didn't swing my lightstick I look bit different from other so Kyu saw me and he look at me. OMG! I'm so happy. At fist I didn't notice it but after I wanna look at Zhoumi I saw Kyu and he look at me. Oh god....I'm so happy!! Kyuhyun Saranghae!!!
After singing destiny, their all saying goodbye to all ELFs and going into the backstage. ELFs are disappoint and ask for encore. Suddenly mc said you want some more? ELFs screaming yeah. Then mc said here we go. Suju M comeback into the stage again and perform Super Girl! Oh yeah! O(^o^)O
It's really awesome show! The moment that I never forget. My bad luck come to me without stop at that day and also it turn bit good after see suju. At last it's end~
Ok here some pics I'm gonna post. I didn't take this pics. (like I said before my camera are broken. So no pics that I personally take it. This is from others people)
When I Just Got There
Know what, when I just got there (Putrajaya) my sandal are damaged...
Not only that when me in the crowd (the sea of people. Well I'm standing in the middle coz I really want a nice place to see suju m closely.) Because I'm in the middle, people from behind and front me push each other so I'm in the middle are being a victim...
My camera fall from my wrist. I want to pick up my camera back but well...their just step me and even sit top of me!! (yaa seriously that hurt! Now my body got bruise and I'm in the pain...)
Not only that, my camera also broken... T^T (I'm so dead if my parent know bout what happen at the camera...) It's really ruined my mood that day! I feel that no use to see them coz can't take their pict...
Then at that place. ELF from back begging ELF at the front to sit down so everyone can get a proper place and can breath and not like in the sardine can. (if you guys know what I meant..)
But ELF at the front didn't even heard it and keep standing.
With that situation, I see one ELF faint.. (poor her...) It's still long way to go before got to see suju M.
Before Prime Minister Appear
Well, at there I got to meet my friend and also my ddhal! (love your guys!)
Oh yeah, before prime minister appear some of group that being invite dance to kpop song. The first group are male. Their perform lucifer and Soom from Beast. I like of that group member! He so cute and handsome! When he dance he just keep smiling and make a cute face! OMG! I feel that I'm gonna faint! >_<
(I'm not really remember all ok) Then the girls group appear. The first group perform T-ara I go crazy coz of u. Their dance, so howt! And really like a T-ara~
The second group perform Teen Top Clap! Oh yeah! How I like it~ Their look full of charisma!
Third group perform two 2ne1 song. So awesome!!
Then when it reach up to the climax, suddenly it's raining. I still didn't bother to go find a place to take shelter coz I want to see an ELF dance a ELF song. All of them act cute coz that song cute right. When the part 'if you know you an elf just clap your hand' I clap and didn't even bother people around me XD
The Prime Minister Appear
I already sit with my ddhal at that time. We sit in the middle. When prime minister talk I just listen and not..listen and not..Because I got bored I suddenly see this one building (beside the stage that prime minister give a speech. Also the same stage that suju m will perform) At the higher level of building, I see some people take a peek from inside. Then my heart suddenly said, "Oh! Isn't that suju m?" (well coz at that time suju m already arrive but their still rest)
I telling my ddhal Hanhae. She also look at that builing. (we look at it secretly coz I don't wanna make a commotion and don't want their *I refer to people in that building that I really got a feel their are suju m* notice that me and Hanhae keep watching them)
Me and Hanhae really sure coz people must be can't go into builing when minister are talking.. But the people that I see in that building. Keep peeking. Well their body are kinda like suju m and their fashion...Well...I don't mind if you guys didn't believe me but that what I saw.
Other people didn't even notice bout that. Only me, Hanhae and a ELF that sit beside us see it. I keep watching them. I even see some of them playing around. This one person with white t-shirt slap this one guy butt. I think it's Eunhyuk and another one I still didn't figure it out..
When Suju M Gonna Perform
Here...that time...really critical...ELFs getting crazy and push each others coz want to get a nice place. I stand really at the middle and close at the stage. I really hate that time!! People keep pushing each other! Didn't even get enough oxygen... =__=
Poor my ddhal Kira being push and can't get enough oxygen! I tried my best to protect her. Seriously that time I protect her till the end. But because she can't take it anymore, she just step back...Well bit sad coz can't watch Suju M performance with her. But I know at the back she also watch Suju M performance n_n
Then Suju M appear. All ELFs going crazy include me. lolz
Their perform perfection then after that their interaction with the fans. Behind them, their have a translator to help them. The MC that night are woman.
All of suju m members are so dork and funny!
Well when I got to see them closely, so closely than SS!
My reaction are.... O__O Their all seriously seriously TALL!!! Even me (that also tall) shock coz their so tall. My Kyuhyun so tall! Aaaaa!!!! >_< (well at least their tall than me. YES!)
Don't ever talk bout handsomeness. Coz all of them damn handsome! Well of course cute! (minnie, henry and wookie so cute~) Eunhyuk sexy~
At the talk part (what I remember..... @_@)
MC ask henry what he think bout Malaysia.
Henry: When I go to Taiwan I really feel like I don't wanna leave. Then now when I come to Malaysia, I feel that I don't wanna leave!
All of them randomly said. (well I don't really remember lot of it. I will write what I remember) Oh yeah! When the time Kyu talk. He just sweat and talk slowly. I can see he in the middle to find a word to said in chinese lolz Kyu why you so cute~ -faint-
When see Kyu like that Zhoumi wipe Kyu sweat. All ELFs are going crazy when see that nice scene. I can see that minnie are bit jealous. Kekeke~ (From left Ryeowook, Henry, Sungmin, Eunhyuk, Kyuhyun and Zhoumi)
It's the time interaction with the fans! I'm so damn jealous at the lucky fans
that being pick! =3=
All members with a girl fans. Only Sungmin with a fanboy. What a nice view. I respect that fanboy coz have a courage to step at the stage although only him a fanboy that got into the stage. *clap clap clap*
Ok the question answer session start!
Firstly Ryeowook fans ask him.
ELF: What kind of food you will make for your gf?
Ryeowook: Well...anything! I will make for her anything that she like.
Then the MC ask that fan what kind of food she like. She said she like Korean, Chinese and Japanese food. After that she got hug from Ryeowook.
Second Henry fan.
ELF: What did you like bout Malaysia girl?
Henry: Oh, Malaysia are hot! Not the weather but the girls! Malaysian girls are hot! (lol Henry...your sweet talk... You must learn it from Teuki and Hyuk right.) All ELFs screaming like crazy when Henry said that XP That girl also got hug..
Third are Sungmin turn.
ELF: Did you love Malaysia? And did you will come to Malaysia again? (before that fanboy ask the question. He look stiff coz well he must be really happy and at the same time didn't believe he stand with his idol. Sungmin, Henry and Ryeowook make him calm a bit so he can ask the question. Sungmin really look like a hyung when he tried to make that fanboy calm~)
Sungmin: Of course I love malaysia. (then the mc teach him a malay) Sayang sayang Malaysia. (I think he tried to said saya sayang malaysia. But at the last he said sayang sayang Malaysia. meaning are I love Malaysia.) That fanboy got handshake and hug from minnie~Fourth are Zhoumi turn. ( i can't write here coz I don't understand what are they saying coz they talk in chinese without being translate into English =__=) At last that fan wanna hug him. Zhoumi playing and said no hug. Then suddenly Zhoumi kneeling and kiss that fan hand!
Firth are Eunhyuk turn. Yes this anchovy turn.
ELF: Did you still steal other members underwear? (lolz what a pervert question)
Eunhyuk: (At first he didn't understand so he said yes yes then after he understand..) No! No! I didn't steal it. It's my own! (then the mc ask all the members did eunhyuk really did that.) All the members just smile then shaking their head. Only minnie didn't really show reaction so the mc ask him did he?) If you said I am like that, I'm gonna proof it by take off my pant and show my underwear at all people! (then sungmin suddenly said no! no! LOL I know all ELF gladly like if Eunhyuk really gonna take off his pant. But guys he didn't~ I don't even mind it. Coz at that time I'm not in pervert time~ XP Eunhyuk doing that he gonna kiss that fan hand but he just pretend and he kiss his own hand. Hahaha! But well... still that fan are lucky coz hyuk hug him from back!!)
Now the last are Kyu turn~!
ELF: You pick game or fans?
Kyuhyun: (mc teach kyu talk something in malay) Tak tayah tanya. Of course fans. (lolz Kyu why you so adorable! -faint- Actually he wanna said Tak payah tanya but maybe it's hard for him. That's why... Kekeke~ The meaning are Don't need to ask that. Well that word are suit that evil magnae style. Weeeee~~)
Then that girl got hug from Kyu!! Not only once but two!! Because that girl cried happily so the mc ask kyu to give her another round of hug!! Yes I'm so jealous coz Kyu are my ultimate bias!! =3= At that time I didn't have a energy to get mad and screaming out of jealousy like others. My sandal, my camera, being stepped and etc really ruined my mood and my energy..
All of them learn malay word. Saya sayang kamu and saya cinta kamu. XDD
Then solo time!!
Henry perform off my mind. Woah! Henry look so hot when he dance and singing! Especially part crazy crazy crazy >.<
Ryeowook also perform solo. (don't remember the song tittle) He, sweet as ever~ His soft voice really beautiful~~
Kyuhyun also perform solo. I like it~~ I'm just looking at him when he start to sing. His voice that are powerful and also sweet at the same time just wow... Like always when he singing he didn't even walking around like others.. He just stand at that place until he finish singing..
Then Eunhyuk perform solo. Eunhyuk performance are marvelous! Full of charisma and power! He dance Michael Jackson song. All ELFs screaming like their already lost their mind. I'm going insane when see Eunhyuk dance. He really are a dancing machine!! O.O
Lastly for solo performance are Zhoumi. He sing with his nicely voice. How cool!
Then all of them appear together and sing Blue Tomorrow. What a sad song...
After Blue Tomorrow. Destiny~ When their sing destiny at that time I really feel that I'm gonna faint coz all my body in the pain and didn't get enough oxygen so I just listen at that song silently without even swing my lightstick like always. People around me swing their lightstick but not me. I just puff my cheeks at there. At that moment the really happy moment for me come! Maybe because only me that didn't do anything even didn't swing my lightstick I look bit different from other so Kyu saw me and he look at me. OMG! I'm so happy. At fist I didn't notice it but after I wanna look at Zhoumi I saw Kyu and he look at me. Oh god....I'm so happy!! Kyuhyun Saranghae!!!
After singing destiny, their all saying goodbye to all ELFs and going into the backstage. ELFs are disappoint and ask for encore. Suddenly mc said you want some more? ELFs screaming yeah. Then mc said here we go. Suju M comeback into the stage again and perform Super Girl! Oh yeah! O(^o^)O
It's really awesome show! The moment that I never forget. My bad luck come to me without stop at that day and also it turn bit good after see suju. At last it's end~
Ok here some pics I'm gonna post. I didn't take this pics. (like I said before my camera are broken. So no pics that I personally take it. This is from others people)
Saturday, May 14, 2011
P.O.P (Prince Of Pop)
P.O.P Genre KL-Pop refer to Malaysia pop. Also RnB and Soul
Yes! I'm are they fans. P.O.P fans are called as a Poppers~
At this moment I kinda busy so maybe another time I will talk bout this group.
This group are really the best among new artist in Malaysia.
Ulzzang/uljjang (Ulzzangs refer to best face.)
I like Ulzzang since 2 years ago.
Their all looks so cute and pretty/handsome!
Ahh...How I wish I can be like them..
Well...I can say that I am a ulzzang wannabes X3
I'm not so pretty but people around me calling me cute.
Maybe because I really love ulzzang thinggy so people said like that to make me happy? (Well I dunno..)
People said sometimes I do aegyo..well it's naturally come out from me I can't do anything bout it..
Ok what am I saying here! This is bout ulzzang what the hell that I said bout myself.. *rolls eyes*
Again I said, I really like ulzzang and I look high at them.
I just like ulzzang with nice/good attitude :)
Here gonna post some ulzzang pics. So you guys can know what it is ulzzang.
Ulzzang guy!
Lee Chi Hoon
Park Tae Jun
These 2 (refer at above pics) are my fave ulzzang guy all the time n_n
And now the girls ulzzang.
Kim Seul Mi
Hong Younggi
Do Hwaeji
Ok I only post 3 of the girls ulzzang coz this 3 are my fave >_<
Their all so cute and pretty. Wah! How I wish I can be like them...
Ok done talking bout ulzzang at this moment^^
I like Ulzzang since 2 years ago.
Their all looks so cute and pretty/handsome!
Ahh...How I wish I can be like them..
Well...I can say that I am a ulzzang wannabes X3
I'm not so pretty but people around me calling me cute.
Maybe because I really love ulzzang thinggy so people said like that to make me happy? (Well I dunno..)
People said sometimes I do aegyo..well it's naturally come out from me I can't do anything bout it..
Again I said, I really like ulzzang and I look high at them.
I just like ulzzang with nice/good attitude :)
Here gonna post some ulzzang pics. So you guys can know what it is ulzzang.
Ulzzang guy!

These 2 (refer at above pics) are my fave ulzzang guy all the time n_n
And now the girls ulzzang.

Ok I only post 3 of the girls ulzzang coz this 3 are my fave >_<
Their all so cute and pretty. Wah! How I wish I can be like them...
Ok done talking bout ulzzang at this moment^^
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